Site Evaluation: Fahim Sadat, PA-C
For rotation two, I decided to present two very common ambulatory care cases during my evaluation. First was a musculoskeletal visit for a possible rotator cuff tear, followed by a woman with suspected community-acquired pneumonia. Unlike the site visits for rotation one, I was with three other students for this rotation which broadened the variety of presentations. During our meetings, Fahim would have each of us present one at a time and then would ensure that we were able to justify all of our differential diagnoses and our level of suspicion for each. As a PA in interventional radiology, one of the areas that Fahim stressed in our presentation was the importance of clarity in creating a plan for our patient. Working in medicine, taking care of 15-20 patients per shift, you have to be able to navigate to the most important details involved in our patient’s care. Making sure to stress this when doing H&P’s makes you a vital part of the medical team as it shows that you are thinking beyond your shift and that you want the very best outcome for your patient. Using this feedback from our first visit, I felt my presentation on the second visit was much stronger.